Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Leadership Maturity

We looked at leadership maturity and how it conditions EVERYTHING about how we work together. Note that this is not just about identified "managers" or "leaders" because, regardless of positional authority, we are all influencers and can all be leaders.

The group offered examples of positive and negative qualities of leaders. I presented a perspective based in Adult Development Theory. Then we did two rounds of Explain/Explore, using these guide questions, and wrapped up with a full group debrief:

What's one thing that's deeply true of you as a leader?
What's one important developmental edge for you in leadership?


Halim Dunsky, Founding Partner
Mobile: +1 (425) 591-2785

1 comment:

  1. There's also a PDF of the handout but it looks like the blog won't post it for download. If you want one, please contact me,
